
分类:喜剧片喜剧 地区:印度 年份:2012 导演:SanjayM.Khanduri 主演:玛丽卡·沙拉瓦特维克·奥贝欧阿舒托史.拉纳内哈·迪胡皮阿Anshuman JhaVishwanath ChatterjeeAshutosh KaushikNaveen Kaushik 状态:HD

该片简介:Film is set in one winter night in Delhi where a middle class, Delhi university guy falls in love wi
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Film is set in one winter night in Delhi where a middle class, Delhi university guy falls in love with a girl anchoring a fashion show. In process of wooing her someone plants a sting operation tape in his pocket. This sting operation has a minister talking of buying and selling MLAs and media heads from his Swiss bank accounts. Unknown to this he is chased by corrupt cops and ...




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