
分类:电影解说影视解说 地区:加拿大 年份:2019 导演:MilosMitrovicFabianVelasco 主演:Adam BrooksAlex AteahMilo? Mitrovi? 状态:HD

该片简介:A tenuously linked group of nobodies trudge through their woeful existence in dreary Winnipeg. A sic
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A tenuously linked group of nobodies trudge through their woeful existence in dreary Winnipeg. A sickly middle-aged man in a failing marriage, a stand-up comedian whose sets are met by utter indifference, a stoner couple who share only trivial exchanges, and a young loner unsympathetic to his caring mother are each living lives lost in translation, detached from their surroundings and the people around them. -- from viff.org




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