
分类:电影解说电影解说 地区:美国 年份:2011 导演:马克·阿特金斯 主演:Rob Aguire朱莉·伯曼D.T. CarneyChristina Corigliano 状态:已完结

该片简介:  Prehistoric sand-dwelling sharks are unleashed on the island of White Sands when an underwater ear
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  Prehistoric sand-dwelling sharks are unleashed on the island of White Sands when an underwater earthquake cracks open a crater deep beneath the ocean surface. The most menacing beats to ever rule the waters now rule the sand; with their monster appetities they mercillessly feast on anything that crosses their path  Mark Atkins directs this sci-fi 'creature feature' horror. When an underwater earthquake opens up a deep crater on the ocean floor, a prehistoric breed of lethal sand-dwelling sharks is unleashed upon the unsuspecting residents of White Sands Island.

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