
分类:国产剧国产 地区:大陆 年份:2005 导演:李密 主演:苏有朋安七炫林心如牛萌萌寇振海唐一菲 状态:已完结

该片简介:When her foster father passes away, Lin Xiao Mei is surprised to learn that he left his magic theatr


When her foster father passes away, Lin Xiao Mei is surprised to learn that he left his magic theatre in her keep. Still deeply sorrowful of her father's passing, she did not expect her heart to broken again; this time by her childhood lover as well as fiance, Jin Xiu, who decided to leave her in pursuit of fame and fortune. Mending her heart came from the most unexpected source - Wu Jun An, a young man from the country who wanted to be a judicial officer... but instead found magic to be his calling. All things appeared to be going well for the two, until Jin Xiu decided to re-enter Xiao Mei's life again and a love triangle forms...




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