
分类:欧美剧欧美 地区:美国 年份:2021 导演:未知 主演:卡迪小子碧丽·艾莉许加布里埃拉·威尔森 状态:已完结

该片简介:  Three-Part Musical Event featuring Billie Eilish, H.E.R., and Kid Cudi.  H.E.R.S1, Ep1  A modern d
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  Three-Part Musical Event featuring Billie Eilish, H.E.R., and Kid Cudi.  H.E.R.S1, Ep1  A modern day tribute to the iconic Dunbar Hotel, once a hub of Los Angeles Black culture in the 1930's and 40's. H.E.R. imagines what the setting would be like if it existed in 2021, featuring new music from her album, "Back of My Mind."    Kid CudiS1, Ep2  An "intercosmic" performance that depicts the artist leaving Earth for the moon to establish a new community. www.2kyb.com Featuring music from his album "Man on the Moon III," Kid Cudi collaborates with the International Space Orchestra, composed of scientists from NASA Ames Research Center, the SETI Institute, and the International Space University as his backing band.    Billie EilishS1, Ep3  Set in a Parisian neighborhood with a series of cinematic performances, featuring new music from Billie Eilish's upcoming album, "Happier Than Ever."





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